@heatherhorns it got a physical release in japan
re: pokemon moon
@heatherhorns @Nine have you ever played pokemon colosseum and xd? those also definitely have heart and fun to them, i highly recommend checking them out too
@hi_cial arsoning a place where explosives are made seems like a bad idea
@hi_cial why hunt cryptids though
befriend the mothman
@hi_cial i think dynamite is pretty effective at killing most things though
@starseeker seems fine here, maybe they have a regional outage?
@Balina it does show a thing in the getting started column, though that isn't usually visible if you've clicked another post
@owashii@plush.city @otterface install tampermonkey
@Balina @heatherhorns i wouldn't be surprised if he also showed up on the gen 5 battle subway, a lot of well-known gym leaders and champions/e4 members from previous gens could show up there, and he's been both a gym leader and a champion
@Balina @heatherhorns Yes, he's the new Viridian City gym leader in GSC and HGSS
He also shows up in gen 7 as the boss of one of the modes of the battle tree, where he looks to be in his early to mid 20s (Red/Ash shows up as the boss of one of the other modes, and the third mode has both of them as a team for the boss)
@owashii@plush.city @otterface oh the problem is that it doesn't work if you go to a specific section (i.e. if the url has a # in it), and the bookmark we tested it with was one like that
we found this other version https://greasyfork.org/en/scripts/458501-vector-layout-for-wikipedia that works around that
@AlefGP ...hm. this is unrelated to the topic of the picture but that pencil shaving is giving me ideas--never occurred to us before how much pencil shavings can look like bat wings....
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