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Block recommendation 

I'd recommend blocking since it host alts of fse users and racism

Wait, we can just say this now?

Okay, I'm not including male characters in my games because making playable men is just too hard, sorry

The US is a death cult. 

Most people talk about nuclear weapons as a shorthand for how dangerous the United States is. But, "In fiscal year 2008, the U.S. Department of Defense released a study finding that the United States had dumped at least 112 tonnes (124 short tons) of VX into the Atlantic Ocean off the coasts of New York/New Jersey and Florida between 1969 and 1970."

1 litre of VX nerve agent contains enough doses to kill 5 million people. So according to this report, the US has *thrown away* enough VX nerve agent to kill everyone on Earth 80 times over.

They claim to have disposed of 98% of their stock, but obviously we don't know if that's true.

If you're not supportive of non-binary folk, you're not supportive of trans rights, do better.

Subtoot, but kinda silly and good 

I love bots (or perhaps real people just mass copy-pasting) randomly replying to my toots with just the most random stuff. Whether it be no wife guy from around Christmas or this weird Illuminati actors account, it's rather amusing

uspol, buttigieg is a bootlicking cop 

2020 candidate Pete Buttigieg "troubled" by clemency for Chelsea Manning - CBS News


On oublie pas Steve
On oublie pas Babacar
On oublie pas Zyed et Bouna
On oublie pas Théo
On oublie pas Cédric
On oublie pas Geneviève
On oublie pas Adama

J'en oublie encore trop

Re: last boost 

If you still support contrapoints, never speak to or interact with me again. If, by now, she hasn't given you ample proof that she deserves no support, then, quite frankly, you're the kind of bastard I'd rather never have to deal with again.

I think Snowden has the best retort for the "I've got nothing to hide" quote people say when confronted with unchecked corporate and government surveillance:

"That's like saying you're against free speech because you've got nothing to say."

Contrapoints drama, more breadtubers going mask-off 

Oh GOD so this was what he had been up to lately? (He deleted this tweet)

Seriously, fuck hbomberguy. He's dead to me.

re: Transphobia meta, angry violent flex 

Seriously, don't be a transphobe. I will rip your head off and shit down your neck.

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Transphobia meta, angry flex 

Reminder that I used to be a fascist, I know all of the tactics that were used by my former colleagues, you literally cannot slip one past me when you dress up your transphobia in the aesthetics of intellectualism.

"Oh, I am just questioning gender/queer theory!" has about as much truth to it as a creationist questioning evolution.

I see shit like this as clear as day without fail, and I will chew you out for it.

Don't be transphobic, it's not hard.

Subtoot, transphobia meta 

"She's not being a gender critic, she's just questioning queer theory!"

Fuck off, transphobe. 🗡️

Transphobia meta, subtoot 

"...just questioning about queer theory..."

This is a big red flag, nice try, but you're not slipping this one past me.

toxicity and community 

Learned an interesting thing today. An important task in managing a community is to watch for toxic voices dominating the space. Repeatedly, if you remove toxic elements, even if they're your most active community members, you will see other people start being more active.

It's about psychological safety. Giving people the experience of feeling safe is vital to creating a space where everyone feels safe to communicate.

Si eres nuevo en Fediverse y buscas difundir tu opresión hacia las personas trans y odias bajo una máscara de feminismo falso y trolling de preocupaciones, te puedo asegurar que rechazaremos en cada oportunidad. No hay un cuarto aquí para ese tipo de comportamiento y usted no es bienvenido.
Este es un espacio de inclusión, pero eso no significa que toleraremos su intolerancia.

Piérdete y no vuelvas.

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