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This just in: jaded cynicism is not the norm and should not be enforced. Genuine anger at the state of things and an unwillingness to accept oppression is Hella In and if you can't perform your anger or perform it respectably, that's still cool and good.

re: Religion meta Like, while I WAS raised as a Christian, my departure from it was a lot more of a philosophical consequence of personal moral development at 16 than the white-centric stories you hear in 99% of deconversion stories.

In other words, I simply drifted away from it because I believed that morals are developed bottom-up rather than top-down. Also, reconciling the bible's events with what we know of the universe became impossible.

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Religion meta I once drove a Christian away from a chat room because he was yammering on about how people can only criticize his religion from a place of anger as atheists.

And I was like, "I am just a Samsaran Animist, a pagan, and you're full of shit."

re: "why are 'good-minded people' ableist as fuck, even in 2019?" Disabled people are an Inconvenience and throw a wrench in my capatalist worldview that Everyone Can, and Should be fiscally self-sufficient and independent.

Or put more simply: People who are Different make it hard to just Auto-Pilot thru life. Many people feel entitled to a life where everyone is like Them.

It's Conformism. And they get Nasty when it's just Not Possible to conform.

Actually, this sounds like a Disability! An inability to Empathize with other humans and treat them as People, not Things.

Oh, wait, we know what that one's called.

A couple hours ago, I hit the button and launched #MyTransHealth V2.

This site is a long-time labor of love for us. I hope to keep improving it for years to come. All my thanks to everyone who has been part of the project the past 5+ years.

Here's the percentage of your life the U.S. has been at war.

Source: Washington Post

The artwork in Ava's Demon is simply beautiful, ne? Here's the protagonist and a demon.

Highly recommended, though you'll definitely need to start from the beginning for it to make sense. Be warned, it does get quite intense in places, in a similar manner to Wapsi Square.

a take on deplatforming Nazis 

the best part is the scream they make on the way down

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I have this /Depression Comix/ about J. K. Rowling open in a browser tab:

Music WIP 

Okay this is starting out very nicely, I just need to scale the reverb down and adjust levels a bit.

HOT TAKE: if you get fired from your job, you should legally be allowed to keep all your PTO.

And the same goes for people being ableist around me, I don't care if you're a PoC or a trans person, I am going to be very unhappy with you.

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That being said, if I see anyone being racist or transphobic around me, I don't care if you're neurodivergent or not, I will bite your head off for it.

re: Vent, subtoot 

It also doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that fascists are going to latch onto this in order to try to pit marginalized communities against each other, and spread propaganda about how autistic people are supposedly racists, in order to provoke the PoC community to attack the ND community.

Sorry, but I am not playing your game of divisive politics, fuck off.

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re: Vent, subtoot 

Like, yes, it is awful what happened, yes it was horribly racist of her to have called the cops on a black person unprovoked.

But this has nothing to do with the neurodivergent community allegedly being bigoted. Anyone who is willing to research into the situation would figure out that she was a part of the alt-right, and that she did it because of that political inclination.

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Vent, subtoot 

Christ, imagine being low-key told with intentionally ambiguous language that transphobia and racism is a problem with neurodivergents, because of the incident that happened today involving a neurodivergent being racist.

Fucking birdsite poisons every single bit of discourse it touches.


Seeing that, I just want to say fuck every racist chud who said "yOu cAnT pUt bRoWn aNd bLaCk oN tHe pRiDe fLaG cUz aEsTheticsssss"

That looks amazing! 😻

Fuckin around and approximated how much of my hair I've thought about shaving and how I'd wear it

Basically just move the part over a bit more and cut everything from that down but not all the way around the head

Honestly might just wear it like this for a few days and see how I feel

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