money beg, boosts appreciated
Ugh, so I did this a week or two ago to make rent but as it turns out I missed around $150 from last month's total without knowing. Kind of would like to get that paid off before it becomes an issue so if you'd like to help out any more than you already have it'd be extremely appreciated. Sorry again ;;
Interesting, and @reno both have birthdays today.
Happy birthday to you both! 🎂
brain hacking, mh +
Been listening this isochronic tone audio track that is supposed to help with one's mood, anxiety, and depression. Seems to have helped a bit, just from playing it in the background.
Heads up, there's folks on Discord spreading malware via itch that will take over your Discord account.
The payload and itch URL they use change occasionally but currently the "game" they're sending around is called Sway
Thing about D&D is you *can't* play the game wrong, it's not a single game.
A bake-off between Queer tieflings is no less D&D than gritty treasure seekers exploring dungeons, not just b/c a rules set is thematically open ended; not just b/c TSR established that D&D was Gothic horror, urban planehopping, steampunked space, etc; but b/c players usually go directions other'n what the GM planned.
Considering that other rules are linked to their own worlds, this actually ensures D&D sticks around.
Autistic transgender glowy kitty-dragoness, she/her pronouns, 37 years old. Also known as Zenya! I'm a huge nerd and digital artist, plus an aspiring gamedev :3
Some posts may be lewd or contain vore, 18+ followers only
Alts: @Zauberin @Zauberin
Vore/AD Alt: @Zauberin