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Wichtig! #36c3 #lostandfound
@sakara hat ihren Plüsch Simba auf dem #congress verloren. Da sind Kindheitserinnerungen mit verknüpft.
Der kleine hat keine Augen mehr und ist an der Schnauze mit schwarzem Sternenfaden genäht.

Bitte weiterleiten!

ugh, it's impossible to find any info on how to make this thing have an ISO-de layout, not sure if configuring it by hand is possible since there's no umlauts and ß

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god those Apple avatars make me almost as uncomfortable as Funkopops, they have major haunted doll energy

ah, the "solution" was to kill and reopen Firefox

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this is a great error message to get if you definitely know you aren't blocking cookies

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"Security verification failed. Are you blocking cookies?"

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If you're new to Mastodon: welcome!

Here are a couple guides I've put together:

An Increasingly Less-Brief Guide to Mastodon, which tries to explain what this place is all about:

So You're A Mastodon Moderator, which has some information on the tools at your disposal and some best practices for using them (it needs an update, but is still generally accurate):

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How to migrate from one Mastodon server to another without losing followers:

1. Sign up on new server
2. On NEW server: Go to Account -> Moving FROM another account
3. Enter old account's handle
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5. Enter new account's handle and submit


re: a propos of current gaming YouTuber being a shithead 

Inspector Gadget tried to save us all

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a propos of current gaming YouTuber being a shithead 

reminder that Mike Matei drew extremely racist comics for quite a while and posted his dick on the official Cinemassacre reddit account

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hallo #36c3! kennt jemand die person? dect? ich muss post zustellen!!1!

I just realized that the USB dust cap on my cheapo USB SD reader only fits one way and it's infuriating bc it still kinda works the other way

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At the #blahaj meetup at #36c3 🦈

@nibble isn't here though at the moment though 🦈

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