Streaming some xCom2 because why not right?
game hype???
So like.
I've wanted a new Armored Core title. Dual Gear looked like it was going to scratch that itch (and being turn based strategy looked interesting) but like. Developement hell.
I guess this is me saying I've got lukewarm hype for a mix of Metal Gear and Armored Core devs?
honest metakink question (jiggleporn iguana mention)
So like. Do cuckolds try to reclaim the name of their fetish, or has stuff like like Jason's podcast thing (and Gamers) ruined that word for the people honest into the fetish?
Or is the horror of what the word is used as now add some level of tabboo that makes it sexier? (I doubt it but like, maybe?)
Massive powerful woman alert
@distressedegg @Rei You might like these doodles of @Balina I did a while ago being casually massive
more artist depression garbage mood
woke from a kinda bleh nap. At least I'm not completely zonked.
No instead my brain is noticing that like all my recent artist friends (and one I'm kinda convinced doesn't like me at all) have bumped into eachother and tossed gift art around and here I am wanting to do lots of it and doing like... 1... piece?
Brain trying super hard to tell me "welp none of these people need you anymore." :/ yay. Good.
Been thinking about this song a lot lately.
Sorry, I've moved accounts D: