@daylight Tried to call me out for using a pork hotdog combined with a Latke (made for the first time.) JOKES ON THEM! It was a chicken dog the whole time. Also, I nailed this basic latke so fck yah cooking~
@daylight That's a lot for a novel chief. How y'gonna tell the story of every single character.
@shaderphantom Naruto
injury joke
@daylight Yeah. It comes in blue flavor until it touches the oxygen then becomes red cuz of the airoids filtering through it...
@daylight Hypothetically, if I were me on both sites, would you interact?
@daylight Someday someday sweetie! There is time to gather spoons and time to do things at another date.
@daylight It really is! I would play it with you should you ever get the hankering to hangering~
@daylight I'm gonna be playing Divinity 2 with a friend soon and like, I'm gonna be attacking bastards but I'm also gonna be a criminal.
@daylight You've seen them. What do I send now?
bad idea for a rimworld mod
@daylight S'what I'm sayin' like a less realistic/toned down version of it. It would fit in with the whole colony management. Dirt management.
bad idea for a rimworld mod
@daylight Ok! This answers my question f'sure! Thanks gap! I actually think...in like, a lesser degree it could be interesting. Like, you get better soil by doing certain things and get worst soil for doin' other things.
bad idea for a rimworld mod
@daylight Ok. I don't know why this would be bad. Teach me science Gap
KF, discourse, nonsense
I will say, that Kiwifarms is absolute nonsense, first of all. They deal in falsehoods, rumors and doctored logs. More than that, is that they do not want justice. They only want to harm and have their jollies.
I do not understand why anyone would believe them and implore you to understand that I will not abide by anyone who relates to them or believes them. Them; a website with a bodycount, them; a website started to harass someone for jollies.
@daylight Me and gap are good enemies.
I write stories. Fantasy is my main beat, but I do other things too. Most of all, I love monsters. Avatar art by WaterWindow
http://writingreynart.tumblr.com/ There are some rougher NSFW things in here if you choose to click so be safe~
Age 25 They/them