@catgoat BOP em
From shitty birdsite
RT @ForkKnifeEmotes@twitter.com: Nagito Komaeda doing the default fortnite emote in some anime school hallway.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/ForkKnifeEmotes/status/1032533773307457536
@SilverSukanku what a nerd!
@masanbol popey
@Rei BIG BEAN >:c
@LeBaron pik men
@SilverSukanku WH I mean, :03
@Rei TINY???????
work/mh stuff [~]
@Lanceleoghauni I’m trying so hard holy shit
work/mh stuff [~]
It’s all extremely demanding but right now this at least feels better overall than it was when I wasn’t pushing this hard to make sessions happen, also means I can get my LMHC and be a licensed ass therapist sooner
@irisjaycomics I’m curious what parts didn’t sit well with you, I mostly love the games but the side character missions I usually found uh, not great
From shitty birdsite
RT @neonwario@twitter.com: Imagine how stupid you’d feel if you pitched “Yabba dabba doo” at that early Flintstones meeting and it didn’t hit
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/neonwario/status/1032979873139027971
The serious, joke-killing response to my own post is that mastodon defining itself not just relative to twitter more over time is a good thing
@SilencingTrees this sounds better than finding Hillary in the woods like we got
Gonna be in the snoutspace most of the time now