Hey everyone, my good friends from RISING SAND which happens to be an amazingly beautiful webcomic are in the last week of their Kickstarter and are just a few bucks away from hitting their first stretch goal! Check them out :D https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1374316478/rising-sand-volume-one
@tahajin @Violet boy do i have good news for you https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hSnWyZxKZd4
@Violet i hate youtube channels with really long intros
@birbhorse jeeeesus
@Kat holy shit
@Kat AND you can emulate 68k DOS and run ZZT. IN MINECRAFT
hey @Kat i'm wondering what your opinion on this is: what's better, computercraft or opencomputers?
i'm at @sc now for the time being, go follow me there!