holy shit
this looks AWESOME AND I NEED TO GET IT https://pukecitypress.itch.io/tales-from-puke-city
god im still angry at how good this mashup is https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1sxTLkoCYQY
@Siphonay no one toots like maston, boops those snoots like maston, no one wears jorts and boosts every toot like maston
WHY ARE PHONE COMPANIES DOING THIS https://www.techradar.com/news/the-oneplus-6t-wont-have-a-headphone-jack-but-battery-life-will-be-improved
ooh new scarfulhu video!! https://youtu.be/oLZ2tBCQkeI
current mood v2: https://youtu.be/T_6HoeXYp4s
A sentry, a guy who's pretty miffed you made him climb out of his obelisk, an underpaid teen, and testing out a different head on the body of the wrapped-up guy.
Also: a less-blurry version of my previous post.
current mood: https://youtu.be/CSCSOM3fnbo
i'm at @sc now for the time being, go follow me there!