manual boost to add cw:
walmart being creepy as fuck and spying on customers
website bloat
for the love of god please optimize your assets and websites
not only does it help conserve energy usage but some people are still running on connections barely better than dial-up with little-to-no alternative because cable internet often won't run out to the rural areas; i used to get 50kbps on a good day growing up
this includes mastodon avatars also if you can; there are some pretty simple tools like for automatic image compression
plea for help (part II)
for now, thank you all for hanging in there and for the 100+ retoots (!!) as well. i'll try and work this out. it'll be hard, but i can do it.
plea for help (part II)
you can boost this toot all you want, by the way. i might have a few offers up on the table, thankfully.
another few things you should know:
- i can't drive (seriously. i don't have a license) so if i get a new job i'm either gonna have to do public transit or someone will have to drive me
- i prefer to have a place with a working ethernet connection, but wi-fi is fine.
i'll write any more down here if i can think of any. (con't)
plea for help (part II)
so now that i have proper access to a PC with a decent keyboard, I can now say this:
i'm in a new apartment with my parents (and my brother) right now, and it's a bit worse than my old place, but I'll deal. the only downside is that we only have it for five months. my parents are hoping i'll be able to move out before then, but I still don't have a place to move.
that being said, my request for a place to (temp.) live in the PDX area is still open. (con't)
i'm at @sc now for the time being, go follow me there!