There does exist a Dylexic font, but it's closed source. Thankfully, there's an open version!
Pol, venting, some anger (2/?)
To a bunch of brick walls! What's the point of trying to survive in the wasteland that will follow? Killing people without guilt? Is that all you want to do? Just stop playing Fallout for hours on end and look at reality for one moment! How far will this go? I..I feel at a loss here! I feel like I'm speaking some future language that no-one understands at all! How can I get through to people! me. Help me understand this!
Pol, venting, some anger (1/?)
You may be wondering what I'm going to talk about. Well, once, someone claimed that we're so close to nuking outselves thanks to nazis, and I thought "You're an idiot." Now, I'm really starting to think it, because it's clear that you can't speak sense to that idiot, and I feel like that it's inevitable, but the atomic scientists will find a way to cop out of saying that we're doomed! It's amazing! How close are we really? No matter what I say, it feels like...
Because apparently we have to explain this to people again
The right to free speech is the right to say what you want without repercussions from the government
The right to free speech does not require anyone to give you a platform to spout your shit
The right to free speech does not require anyone to listen to your shit
The right to free speech only applies to repercussions from the government, not other people, groups, or organisations
Hey fellow #mastoadmins did you know that if you run Mastodon in a Docker container, you can eventually build up a whole ton of old, broken images that'll make your container too full to run any more?
You can solve this by doing
docker rmi $(docker images |grep '<none>' | awk '{print $3}' )
I suspect I should probably put this in a cron job so I never need to do it again.
Globalpol, fustration
The hurricanes hitting northen europe, and partially the UK, have proven to me that a lot of people, in the space of a year, have given up on the fight against that toupee wearing facist. If people are giving up that easily, then I have no time for them. He's wrecking the planet by threatening war and damaging the climate. Now is not the time to curl up and die, the time is to fight back and try!
If you're really worried about Spectre and Meltdown, and worry that the NSA or someone is after you..well, at least Qubes OS is trying harder than anyone else?:
Game babbling, Linux
You know how I told you about a way to make Civ 5 and 6 run on OpenGL 2.1 and lower? Well, here it is. Put this in the steam "Launch Options" window:
This will only affect the game you put the option in. This is Linux only, since Windows has DirectX 11 and things like that, so..yeah.
For the curious, the generator is here:
So, I came up with an Inkling character. Any name ideas?
I dare you to share this version of the current 4-chan favorite. Nothing will annoy them more!
Headmate(?): @spacewomanpsi
Balloonie geeky cheetah, into technology and getting bigger. ;3