A theory on good dad jokes.
There's this magical zone in the realm of "this isn't even a joke or funny at all" that is hit and it becomes funny becuase EVERYONE knows it's not funny but you're trying to make it funny.
And the people who tell the best dad jokes? Depressed girls, from my notice. There needs to be some pit of self loathing to make one accept doing a dad joke, especially coming up with a good new one.
A theory on good dad jokes. (gets kinda - here)
@Draekos this talk the other night went from cute to too real waaaay too fast.
A theory on good dad jokes. (gets kinda - here)
@IrisKalmia as did trying to sum it up into a simple post <_<
Good dad jokes are grounded in the aesthetic school of Dadaism.
Bad dad jokes are grounded.
A theory on good dad jokes. (gets kinda - here)
So like... are all dads who make dad jokes depressed girls deep down?... I mean, maybe.
But more likely, they've got a pit of depression all their own. Maybe disappointment in their children. Maybe themselves. Maybe the world... Maybe depressed to watch their innocent children being gobbled up by the world they wish they had the power to make a better place.