MH(+?), Caffeine, Addiction(?)
Had a rough morning. Looking in the fridge while getting some food.
2 energy drinks. 2 days of streamming this weekend..... grabbed one. I need to chill out.
I've found caffeine in general is a very good way of calming me down, to the point where I've stopped asking for additional espressos in mochas when out and about. It would make me drowsy with that much of a punch. Now I'm sipping this can and feel BETTER.
@Draekos \o/!
Yay!! :D
MH(+?), Caffeine, Addiction(?)
@Draekos *makes note to pick up another couple today*
MH(+?), Caffeine, Addiction(?)
@Draekos In all seriousness, if a couple bucks of cloyingly sweet Mystery Energy Mix is what it takes to help nudge your mood that's pretty cool.
MH(-?), Caffeine, Addiction(?)
@Draekos Having ADD isn't something to be ashamed of hon.
MH(-?), Caffeine, Addiction(?)
@Draekos hello yes I have ADHD and you just described ADHD. "clearing the noise" or "clearing the fog" is exactly what ADHD meds are supposed to do for people with ADHD
sounds like you just made a breakthrough to me
MH(-?), Caffeine, Addiction(?)
@moz it's been one of those things I've been really uh... skeezed out about self diagnosing on. >.< Needing to talk to a professional.
MH(-?), Caffeine, Addiction(?)
@Draekos talking to a professional is the best idea, but now you know what to ask about! brain-fog is the epitome of ADHD symptoms for me.
MH(-?), Caffeine, Addiction(?)
@Draekos @moz I really hate to say this, but: The way you react to stimulants means you almost surely have AD[H]D, I've been saying it for months.
You can't readily get speed w/o a script, so you'll need to see a professional anyway, but if you sit down and tell someone a friend once gave you half an adderall and it made you clear and focused, welllll...
MH(-?), Caffeine, Addiction(?)
@IrisKalmia @Draekos yeah, never bring up taking unprescribed meds in front of a medical professional... BAD idea
MH(-?), Caffeine, Addiction(?), drugs
MH(-?), Caffeine, Addiction(?)
i don't know if this is a placebo at this point or 'real'. But caffeine doesn't wake me up so much as it clears the noise from my head so I can focus.
Had some adderal recently (yeah, I know, it's kinda not exactly legal to do but heck there it is) and actually felt like I'd finally pulled my brain out of fog and into sunlight for the first time in my life and hey that's........ scary?
Well, hello again crying fit. It's not a perfect solution but this'll pass.