Religion? Politics? Bill Nye
@Mycroft he actually super douchey to non-western medicine and folks of all faiths. He's an asshole.
Religion? Politics? Bill Nye
@Tehfraga I myself put no truck in any "alternative" medicine, or any non-science trying to masquerade itself as science. I don't want to be rudely dismissive of belief systems, but religion should stick to religion, and science should stick to science. I even granulate between "science based medicine" and "evidence based medicine".
Though I'll try not to be a hypocrite, and watch the show with an open mind myself.
Religion? Politics? Bill Nye
@Tehfraga It's very science-centric of me. If it can't pass controlled double-blind testing without p-hacking or other cheats, it's not science. Plenty of things that used to be called "folk remedies" &etc. can pass these tests, be shown to reliably work, and thus science-based.