A (brief) Mastodon Tutorial:
Hi! Welcome to Mastodon! Here's some major things you need to know after your #introductions :
Your first instance may not be your permanent instance: Try going to https://instances.social/ to find the instance that is right for you! I like awoo.space for it's pro-active moderation!
The "CW" button is a content warning. It hides your post behind it. It's considered good behavior to CW politics, NSFW stuff, anything that can be emotionally traumatic, or memes.
If you click on the three bars in the Home, Local Timeline, or Federated Timeline, you can add a filter to prevent certain posts from even showing up in your feed!
Jerks still show up. Go to your instance's admin to report them. If your instance's admin doesn't do anything about it, go back to instances.social and find a new instance. It can take some time!