Health stuff, past hard part, onto slow progression
So, last year, I was hospitalized. I had the over-weight trifecta: Blood Pressure, Type 2 'Beetus, and Sleep Apnea. And at the start, I was fine with medicating.
Riiiiiiiight up until I found out I happened into the side-effect group of continuous diarrhea for the beetus meds. I kept up with it for three weeks, then said fuck it. Nope.
At that point, I dropped most carbs from my diet, and by Feb, I had dropped my A1C to pre-beetus levels.
Health stuff, past hard part, onto slow progression
Since that point, I've fluctuated up and down. Progress has been harder since I don't have a thing to track to reduce my apnea besides my weight and since weight is so in flux, it drives me nuts if I track it directly.
The main reason I'm working on the apnea is that when I did the test, I'd stop breathing about every minute, which sucks. But half of those incidents were caused by heart stoppages. So. Uh. Shit.
Health stuff, past hard part, onto slow progression
Still, the second I can upload my brain to a robot, I will be first in line for that shit.