I resist this a lot coz I'm not a game review type, but I'm a writer gosh darnit so let's talk vidya game.
I fucking love the plot and atmosphere of Koudelka. It is a PS1 survival-horror RPG made by the same dude who would later on make the RPG series Shadow Hearts.
In this thread I want to talk about what I appreciated about the games story. The atmosphere, the characters, and etc.
With that little bit of summary we can't really tell what is going on, so we're left to wonder what is going to happen and why Koudelka herself is here at the Nemeton Monastery. All we know is that there is super creepy shit goin' on here and that is the fucking beauty of it.
There weren't any RPG's at the time that had super spooky atmospheres and horror stories and mind you, I'm not saying it is the best, but it was unique and interesting.
There were ghosts and demons haunting the Nemeton Monastery and we want to find out what is the source of all this malice.
We meet our side characters, a handsome rogue type by the name of, get this, Edward fucking Plunkett. Plunkett. Anyway...
Next is a very devout and yet mysteriously motivated priest by the name of Father James O' Flaherty. He's your typical, "God will guide us." Character who eventually comes to respect us and our powers.
Simple, but their interactions make up for it.