In Disney’s The Little Mermaid, it’s not really shown whether or not the merfolk have a concept of personal property, with the exception of Ariel’s collection of whozits and whatsits. It doesn’t make sense for them to, either, because they’re not shown to work, labor, or do much of anything except leisure. Hungry? Catch a fish. Other than that, engage in the arts. Except little maladjusted Ariel. Did she (re?)activate neoliberal capitalism under the sea?
@BuddyGoodboyEsq I mean they live in a magic based monarchy. Also why is owning a collection of nonvaluable items (she can't sell them or trade them, has no marketplace to sell them) inherently capitalistic?
@BuddyGoodboyEsq Also they clearly do have a sense of property as seen with Ariel's sisters in their one scene outside the concert introduction where they're styling themselves in front of mirrors they talk about the combs and objects they own with lines like "did you take my brush"
@ZiaMacPine I need to watch this again with this in mind. It’s been since I was eight.
@BuddyGoodboyEsq I mean you dont have to I am just saying... and this isn't even getting into the tv show where they clearly use a currency for luxury goods and have concepts of treasure, accounting, and banks.
@ZiaMacPine Huh. Never saw the show, that I remember! Is that on disc anywhere?
@BuddyGoodboyEsq unknown I think it might be like Pepper Anne and still in the limbo of existed but you're only going to see it through youtube clips
@ZiaMacPine @BuddyGoodboyEsq Pepper Ann is now on Disney+ but not sure about the Little Mermaid series.
@Mangi WELL GOSH!!!!