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Addendum: Cute enbies are also absolutely candidates for gay fenn kisses

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Did you know: fenn gay, kis girls and femmes

Just a heads up, I have an alternate account on my own domain now;

Open federation, but NextCloud Social is slightly clunky so I'll be here too :3

We have shed the heavy shells we once crewed, and now roam the stars unencumbered. oh you like that? :3

*fats all over kat*

On a distant planet wrapped in clouds
The capital masters have opened a tower
Where you'll spend five or six weeks' wages
To see the sun for half an hour.

Well, I did get some work this week (and so I'll get paid next Friday), I am currently screwed financially until then.

If anyone can drop some money into my paypal to help pay for food until then it would be absolutely wonderful <3

cloakable talks about her butt and the things that come out of it 

Argh. Just took an absolutely MASSIVE poop that tried to come out in one log, and was wide enough to make me bleed D:

Linux on the desktop: because it's easier to accept community-driven brokenness than profit-driven misbehavior

Animorphs, K.A Applegate, New Heroes, Underrated Series, Mentions of known TERF J.K Rowling, Animorph Ending Spoilers 

Food for Thoughts. I approve of her view of War and to her she is not a TERF. Amazing news.

and to demonstrate my point:

here is the local timeline for

and here is the local timeline for

as you can tell, has a very boring local timeline, and is filled with alt-right political conspiracy theories.

or, in other words, there are entirely different moderation concerns going on here.
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Note: If you have a giant fluffy tail you are required by law to wrap it around people as a form of greeting. I don't make the rules, don't be a criminal.

Yeah, definitely want to get a proper mascot for Blimps! We're growing slowly but surely, and I think it'd be fun ^^

i also think that being trans is good at sex and that's a solid clowntoilet/10

screenshot of holocaust denial 

keep it classy
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