Hey @woozle,
I'm considering trying to write a sort of general Code Of Conduct for safe spaces, drawing inspiration from various good examples like https://awoo.space/about/more and https://www.doubleunion.org/base_assumptions
I may end up referring to some things on http://issuepedia.org
But I wondered if you were aware of someone already having written something like this?
@fallerOfFalls Oh geeze, I do have a vague memory of reading about work on model CoC text, but I don't remember exactly where.
There are some vaguely-related pages on Issuepedia you might use in links (e.g. when explaining why "neutrality" isn't neutral), but nothing directly applicable that I can think of.
I will rummage round the back rooms of my brain and let you know if I turn up anything -- and please let me know if I can help otherwise. ^.^