@evilchili Depends on how much you'll get annoyed by the keyboard missing a few important keys, unless you go with a third-party keyboard in which case it depends on how much you'll get annoyed at the lack of proper keyboard integration. Also I haven't used blink, but Termius gets really annoying with how much it doesn't try to keep connections open in the background, even over mosh.
The iPad is a quite competent remote terminal in general though.
@evilchili Oh the other thing that I keep getting annoyed with is not having a reasonable way to scp or sshfs to my server, although that's more a specific gripe of trying to blog remotely rather than doing programming work.
@evilchili Yeah Publ has a similar workflow to Hugo. The main things that annoy me about blogging from iOS are having to ssh in and vi my entries, and the difficulty in adding photos. Both of those are things which could be fixed with a good sshfs wrapper for iOS Files and a local Markdown editor.
@evilchili although a local git workspace would also work well, since I have a commit hook on the repo set to do all the stuff to push everything to the live site (which is common for SSGs as well). But I don't know of anything like that for iOS.