to-do list
* ugh
* don't wanna
* go back to sleep maybe
* ugh no fine need to go to the store
* still don't wanna
* uuuugggggghhhhhhh
* should maybe eat a thing or something idk
* why even are things
to-do list
+ eat a thing
+ shower
+ go to store
+ call Dr. re Rx
++ make Dr appt for next month
++ make sure Costco is doing their part to expedite Rx refill
*** call Dr. AGAIN TOMORROW because Costso says they sent THREE FAXES ALREADY wtf
+ change hummingbird food
+ clean catboxen
? make brownies/cookies
+ laundry
* dishes
to-do list--I DID ALL THE THINGS
+ eat a thing
+ shower
+ go to store
+ call Dr. re Rx
++ make Dr appt for next month
++ make sure Costco is doing their part to expedite Rx refill
*** call Dr. AGAIN TOMORROW because Costso says they sent THREE FAXES ALREADY wtf
+ change hummingbird food
+ clean catboxen
+ make cookies
+ laundry
+ dishes
to-do list--I DID ALL THE THINGS
@green GOOD JOB FREN!! :D
to-do list--I DID ALL THE THINGS
to-do list
okay no really actual to-do list
* eat a thing
* shower
* go to store
* call Dr. re Rx
* that's all I can think of now