@literorrery Going it alone sounds hard.
...Then again, last night I ended up staring at a situation that made me and Coyote both shrug helplessly at each other so it's not like I'm doing awesome over here either. c.c;
@literorrery I think you're thinking of different companions than the ones I'm thinking of. :)
@literorrery Back to the original point, what I was musing over was not that, even, other than just pondering how your description of the whole thing seemed so solitary, internal-focussed, which never worked when I tried to do it; not to say it's wrong for anyone else, just musing on how strange and impossible it sounds from where I'm sitting. If it's working for you, and it sounds like it is, then great. :)
@literorrery (Gah, I deleted something for an edit and then lost my clipboard version of it. Trying again)
Not intended as a slight, just further pondering: What always strikes me when I hear you talk about your path is how similar it sounds to a lot of other stuff that gets a lot of focus in the broader esoteric community (e.g. psychological-focussed ceremonial/ritual stuff), so it always makes me go '...huh' when you describe your self-percieved distance from such.
@literorrery Yeah, I can totally relate to that last bit myself. Though don't forget M parts dealing with racist/sexist assholes. ;) I have to deal with that enough just reading blogs.