ARGH, complaining about the people and browsers
this same douche keeps harping about how we can just make a progressive web app because they use localStorage which means we can save whatever we want to the local file system.
This is after me explaining multiple times that localStorage is not the same as file system access, it is a browser cache with some makeup on it.
And the 30 seconds later he says 'what do you have against progressive web apps? They would let us access the file system!'
ARGH, complaining about the people and browsers
@zatnosk I don't think that he is willing to learn even that much. I am pretty certain in his mind it means that if I just did this magic thing he could suddenly have his browser autosave files anywhere on his hard drive.
This is after multiple explanations from me and me sending him a bunch of references about what both progressive web apps are, what local storage is and restrictions on browser access to the file system.
Like I said, ARGH
ARGH, complaining about the people and browsers
@zatnosk it is getting very close to the point where flying to Australia for that seems reasonable
ARGH, complaining about the people and browsers
@inmysocks find a hammer, write "LocalStorage is not file system access" and hit him with it until he understands.