Experience w/ General Assembly Bootcamp Admissions / Vent; Transphobic micro-aggression
Me: Gets unsolicited call from admissions
Me: Looks up GA and decides to give them a shot; Schedules interview later that day
Them: Does not call until more than 12 hours after scheduled time, when I'm busy.
Me: Decides to try and officially apply, hoping that it will smooth the process out
Them: Calls again during lunch
Me: Attempts to nail down a time in which both parties are ready to properly communicate
Them: Accepts the time
Me: At the accepted time, notes that they're almost half an hour late
Them: Calls, notes a "discrepancy" from my deep voice and feminine name, nearly hangs up
Me: Confirms my identity before they get a chance, is routed to the actual Admissions Officer
Them: "Sorry, I'm not available right now, can we schedule for next week?"
Me: "Okay" 🙃