Okay! Hey, y'all. So because I delayed so long in making a reservation, we can't get both rooms at the mox, which is not enough space to fit the group. So, we're back at the Raygun for just one more time, on Saturday, May 26th, at 6PM.
As for next time, we will be having it at the Mox, so here's a poll with only the days when the rooms are available in the evening: http://whenisgood.net/iggqtib
And this poll will be closing on the day of the meetup, the 26th.
Future polls will happen on the first of each month, and close on the seventh, so check back on June 1st to help decide July's date.
Also in the interest of keeping this schedule, @DialMforMara will also be helping run logistics for these meetups in the future, so Ray's airheadedness cannot stop the process in its tracks alone. Give her a welcome!