Still trying to keep my eyes out for something small businesses can use for processing payment related to adult/kink. I admit, my growth has been stunted from trying to follow the rules.
((and yes, some sexy furries hopping on the sex pay content train *are* using adult unfriendly services..probably until they get caught. I been doing xxx stuff sonceclate 2010 and I still cant take the risk.))
Possible squick factor for those who dont like pets
Have an idea of taking my dog's shedded hair and making it into a pillow. Internet search suggests that people have done it (but I imagine not great for those with pet allergies). Any ideas on if this can be done...and how? What would I need to use as an inner casing/bag to keep the fluff inside?
Flitting around like a bee, working on a variety of things. Some days when I do this, I feel like I have ADD (#freelancerproblems) but somehow I dont feel that way today.