every time someone claims that proprietary software is more secure than open source, i'm showing them this section from a page hosted on the us department of defense's website: https://dodcio.defense.gov/Open-Source-Software-FAQ/#q-doesnt-hiding-source-code-automatically-make-software-more-secure
someone has made a browser extension that plays the wii shop channel music whenever you go to shopping websites
I just purchased a new display to replace the shitty TN panel my laptop has.
Thing is, the seller said "you can get any of these four models, depending on availability" and I assumed they would be equivalent.
Nope, just compatible. I can get one that does 100%, 95% or 66% sRGB.
I guess I just have to wish real hard it's the first one.
Given, all four possibilities are way better than the one I currently have, with actually reasonable viewing angles.
Shoulda bought it on AliExpress.
22 | programmer + linux user | también hablo español | twitter social-hopper