Seriously considering making a private AD account here in Mastodon. But since it would probably just be my thoughts on butts and shitposting @lukyuki every hour, is it even worth it?
"The idea that the shareholder value approach naturally wants to maximize the stakeholder value is only true in a comparative situation when the different stakeholder groups (shareholders, employees, suppliers, the public) are balanced in power."
Goddamn it, yes! Thank you, professor! This needs to be drilled into everyone's heads if we are to address the problem of corporate greed.
Last night I got to show my decks off to @lukyuki and they didn't let me down!
Wanna read the first chapter of #iHunt: The Chosen One? If the answer is yes, then you’re in luck! Also this is my new website. So you should totally RSS that shit if you’re into, you know, RSSing cool things.
It's such a long way down to Earth.
Ghost stories. Space stations. Maschine Zeit.
DM, Player, Cartomancer. Agent of the #GoblinAgenda. Likes monsters. (He/Him)