Anyone have suggestions on a printing company for stickers?
Stickermule's CEO supports trump so no thanks. But the alterantive I've been able to find is like... SickerApp and it's a little on the pricy end (Mule applies the discount to large orders as if they were all the same graphic which is unfortunately appealing)
@Draekos oh gosh thanks for letting us know. I thought Stickermule's stuff was pretty cool and got a sample pack of die cut stickers for my business for like a $1 a while back. Mostly just stickin em to things as guerilla marketing.
@zoetropeexplosn Not a bad plan. Like unfortunately I don't really think there's much in the way of a cost effective alternative for me wanting small volumes of multiple desgins. :<
@zoetropeexplosn eh... there's battles to fight and I dunno if this is the one I have the energy for :/