re: VC4 spoilers (actually +, also VC1 spoilers?)
The DLC. The only character from VC1 that's still the same voice is Isara (my bae)
I mean... Rosie and Alecia are definitely the same voice actors as before but holy shit they forgot how to do the voice for the characters.
So, in 1, there's a very 'd-day landing' style mission where Isara comes through with smoke rounds for the tank that make it survivable. 4 takes place at the same time, and the DLC event is before this mission chronologically.
I was really worried when 4's explosive scientist mortar operator Riley and Isara talked. I was expecting the game to be Isara asking for suggestions on what to do and Riley being the brains on it.
Nope! Riley is astounded at the concept and compliments Isara on it. The only flaw? A valve shape. That's all Isara was missing. Fuck yes thank you, let our awesome technician savant stay as cool as she was in VC1 thank you.