My eternal Contra take.
Yes I watch every video she makes. Still. I try to like them. I try.
Bluntly, she's advertising to the kind of boys that would have included me if I'd not transitioned. I hate that but it's something to keep in mind.
That being said, she doesn't care about the damager her statements cause outside of that, and her persona demands she not or else she'd loose cred with the target she's got.
My eternal Contra take. (In short)
@Draekos yeah I. Don't call her out really bc I know she has been helpful for some people but holy shit she leaves a lot of collateral damage in her wake
My eternal Contra take. (In short)
@AzureHusky @Draekos i think this is the approach we should all be taking wrt her. Don’t chase her off the internet or try to destroy her channel or whatever... recognizing some of the good in what she does, and the inherent risks/challenges of her visibility, but also... don’t let her bullshit go uncriticized, either, from our end.
re: My eternal Contra take. (In short)
@coda @AzureHusky bingo. this. ffs. I want her to at least try to not stomp on other people's experiences.
re: My eternal Contra take. (In short)
@Draekos @coda @AzureHusky IMHO tragically this habit will ultimately make her dangerous as it's shown the willingness to otherize people who are to "yucky"