Alcohol, Question
So like... I have rather firmly stand by not drinking anything I can't sip at to enjoy the taste.
What exactly is the appeal of doing something as a shot? Other than like "it's cheep so tastes bad"?
Alcohol, Question
@Draekos oh and ones where it's presented in the shooter as layers for show, and shooting it mixes it for taste
re: Alcohol, Question
@tiff oh geez yeah I forgot about the fancier shots. I was thinking more along the lines of like, decent tequilla or otherwise. Some drinks seem like such a waste to shoot and people insist on shooting them
re: Alcohol, Question
@Draekos ah yeah. That I'm not sure. Some folks just aren't used to tequila being sippable I guess.
Alcohol, Question
@Draekos The after-effects, mostly. By which I mean the burn and the aftertastes as much as the "yeah just a quicker way to get drunk".
re: Alcohol, Question
@Balina but that's the cheap stuff? I guess I'm just weired out when people shoot sake or tequila. there's super cheap stuff in both of those that are easy sipping material <_<
Alcohol, Question
@Draekos The only argument I can see is a shot will engage the mouth differently than a sip, you're more likely to use more of the back of the tongue, things like that.
Alcohol, Question
@Draekos there's a few novelty mixes that can be fun. Cement mixer, flaming shots (suffocate it by closing your mouth), etc.