mh, cishate ( - )
Watching someone close to me burning every cis bridge they have since the the news today of the shooting in Las Vegas.
It hurts. Not just because it'll send ripples through my social circle and have the few cis friends I have and deeply care about likely feeling even more unwelcome... but it hurts to see the world in a state where that feels like the answer.
I had an okay morning but now I just want to curl up and cry :/
mh, cishate ( - )
@Draekos sorry.
@Draekos can I hire you to do art for like early to mid March?
I'm a programmer but I have lots of ideas and I'm fully funded please just accept some money from me okay do you use patreon or venmo or...?
@eryn Patreon, It's... I mean, it's kinda normal at this point as horrible as that is to say? Uhm, I generally draw lewd and queer possitive comics?About to be wrapping one up for now and got the first few pages of another sketched out last night... so hey there's that?
The art itself isn't the problem at all. Having the spoons to stay financially alright is.
mh, self employment, art ( - )
Can't go cry though. Can't. Need to go get some food and draw stuff because I get paid by work completed. Not by hours on a clock.
If you'd told me... like 8 years ago, I'd be at a point where me being in tears and vaugely sui feeling would still be sitting down and drawing art... I'd be amazed. I don't think people know how much of my art, generally joyful and lewd, is drawn in a mindset of self hate and misery.