re: 😷🤳 possibly ruined?
But like these are the sleep pants I'm wearing. Does it hurt or help the look?
re: Vague talking, pol, youtube
Actually all this can be summed up in a single comparison
Here's a link to their video, go watch it first to be sure I'm not misrepresenting them. Okay now let's dig on in and talk about all this mess. Also here are some studies, including the one the other guys quote out of context.
Let's watch the video for the first time on stream, not even being sure the sentence is over before pausing to comment. Don't forget to repeatedly throw out labels trying to be insulting, and appeal to your sides moral superiority.
There's got to be a german word for someone who vocally accuses other people of acting exactly how they themselves do.The weird marriage of gaslighting and hypocrisy that is the modern right <_<
Vague talking, pol, racism mention, youtube
So decided to hop into some right wing 'debunking' of some of the left wing youtubers I watch off and on. They were in my suggested vids because algorithms.
Watch one video of a dude assessing a game's representation of his martial arts and oh no he's a bit of a shitty right leaning person outside that so clearly I want this stuff in my life.
Funny thing? At least the comment section on the right is complaining about the same shit happening to them.
Anyway, it was interesting to experience some criticism, good to at least be aware of what the other side thinks, even if it's.... really badly constructed.
Nothing quite like "why didn't you talk about all this history then?" with a scroll of the WIKIPEDIA PAGE for-.... oh wait if we pause it yes that's the shit the leftist spends most of the video talking about. Huh.
Also, trying to debunk the right being antisemetic while on stream with chat full of... well, (((this shit, you know))). Ew. Wow.
I want a girl with a short skirt and a long
re: VC4 spoilers (actually +, also VC1 spoilers?)
The DLC. The only character from VC1 that's still the same voice is Isara (my bae)
I mean... Rosie and Alecia are definitely the same voice actors as before but holy shit they forgot how to do the voice for the characters.
So, in 1, there's a very 'd-day landing' style mission where Isara comes through with smoke rounds for the tank that make it survivable. 4 takes place at the same time, and the DLC event is before this mission chronologically.
I was really worried when 4's explosive scientist mortar operator Riley and Isara talked. I was expecting the game to be Isara asking for suggestions on what to do and Riley being the brains on it.
Nope! Riley is astounded at the concept and compliments Isara on it. The only flaw? A valve shape. That's all Isara was missing. Fuck yes thank you, let our awesome technician savant stay as cool as she was in VC1 thank you.
VC4 spoilers (fridging)
Hey guys, thanks for giving us an actually kinda cute gay npc that (at least by japanese writing) feels kinda oka-....wait.
Oh no. I see what we're doing.
So for context: the base you're all in is attacked, squads scatter. End up going through a mountain range to regroup with promised reinforcements from home.
player squad finds and successfully attacks a large enemy supply base (multiple trains travel through during the mission) and restock on drastically low supplies.
Arrive at the rendezvous? All the other squads are dead save the lesbian and her crush (and commanding officer)
Well, sort of. The lesbian is mortally wounded, so the player sqaud all get to stand around and watch the touching goodbye.
And then we have like 10 minutes of cutscenes focused on the officer being deeply upset by the loss of her (HEAVILY implied) lover and squad.... and blames the player squad. Who were slowed by the fucking heavy damage to enemy infrastructure along the way. And who would have died in the assault they'd been holding off too.
AND THEN the fucking reinforcements show up.
The game fridges the lesbian, in a snowy field, blames the player for not being fast enough (you can't change it) and then the people actually at fault show up to welcoming fanfare.
Fuck I like the game but this whole collection of scenes HURT.
Sorry, I've moved accounts D: