@Fuego it costs me more for a doctors visit than to pay my monthly premium.
@orrery uhhgggg.... This system is completely insane :/
@shaderphantom the xps is probably a 2012.
The trackpad issue is a linux issue, not a hardware issue. The boundaries of trackpads are all obnoxiously set in software. You could fix it if you wanted to redefine all the geometry, but its a serious pain.
re: body dysphoria, very slight
@daylight I know because I just did it hahaha
re: body dysphoria, very slight
@daylight $100 of laser would probably get rid of it forever! :)
@shaderphantom I also have an XPS 15" which is loaded and works fine but it weighs an ever loving ton so I dont like to carry it anywhere.
@shaderphantom I bought an XPS 13" 5 years ago for $700 from bestbuy for a work demo. I still use it as my main knock around browsing and communications laptop, running ubuntu. Battery still works.
My only complaint is the trackpad is a bit annoying in linux (too wide so it picks up your hand when typing sometimes)
re: 93
@orrery lets make it a date :)
@orrery I hear the seattle OTO temple has a really good gnostic mass. Its open to the public ;)
@Antifreeze thats the dream
@Antifreeze Hope you have your advisory tires on
@orrery is it spitting? It ought to be spitting.
Mixie trash
- she / her -