@ShugoWah@snouts.online I'm happy to double-check but: Quake 2 has the mode you describe and also a mode that's basically dual stick aiming but with the d-pad instead of the left stick. (Though if you count that, you could also argue for Turok on the N64)
I believe Medal of Honor has it as default with no weirdness, though
@KommaChameleon @ShugoWah if Turok counts with the c-buttons as a second stick, then it'd beat GoldenEye by a few months, though I'd argue that's cheating.
@earfolds @ShugoWah@snouts.online Depending on where you draw the line I think you could make a fair argument for any of MoH, Quake 2, Goldeneye, or Turok for being the first to include some form of dual analog aiming. You could even go back further if you're interested in the general "move with one hand, rotate in 3D space with the other" controls...
@earfolds @ShugoWah@snouts.online ...in which case you could argue for Quake (1996), Terminator: Future Shock (1995), Descent (1994), or Marathon (1994). Each might be the first PC game where you can move with the keyboard and look in all directions with the mouse.