command and conquer -
I've been trying to figure out what command and conquer games hold up to scrutiny and I can't tell if they are infuriating or I just suck? Played Red Alert 1 tonight.
clear positives:
* global build menu is a kinda cool idea
* sweet music
* 90s FMVs
* sprite art is kinda neat
* some creative mission designs
* apparently no unit supply cap
* dogs that instantly kill capitalists
* exploding barrels help remind you it's the 90s
obvious flaws:
* right click to deselect instead of left click to deselect
* can't quickly select all units of a given type
* can't (maybe?) move units in formation
* can't set rally points
* can't distinguish units by sound alone
* can't jump around minimap until you've built radar
* can't queue multiple build orders
* poor use of screen space in UI; only shows four building types and unit types at once
* no "move to this location but stop to fight stuff you see along the way" aka attack move
* when you are notified that you're getting attacked there's no visual telling you where
* most missions have a boring cleanup phase where you must destroy every single remaining building (or maybe I'm sloppy?)
subjective flaws:
* the fog of war system is... well, it's something
* every building is nigh-invincible for some reason? this includes towers
* you start with a lot of capital but it takes a long time for income to ramp up. This kinda gives it a fast-then-slow pace that's a little weird (or at least unfamiliar to me)
* every explosive has a ton of splash damage that can hurt your own units and buildings. There's no "fight safely" mode
* infantry units get instantly killed by any vehicle, but only if you are manually controlling it to do so
* units using projectile attacks don't lead their targets (e.g. submarines can't hit moving ships)
* tanks have a VERY bad turning radius
* you get warned about power limits after violating them, rather than when you are about to build a thing that will break them
* the dogs get shot at :(