@TQ Hey hey!<3
Thread begins with a picture of me and my book
"I'm a queerfeminist cyborg, that's okay", that came out just recently. Also I posted the table of content and told something about the particularities of the book. There was just no book like that in German so far, therefore I wrote the book I missed.
At the moment I try to recover from a year of writing which is difficult, bc my eyes became extra sick again and actually it's my birth_day_month right now,but where is the lightnesss and the party?
I am back! With a book I wrote and that is out now.
I'll post a link to a twitter thread, bc I am much in pain right now, sorry, but that is more convenient.
Ich dachte, ichup date Euch da lieber noch mal, nicht das jemensch von Euch dann enttäuscht dort aufschlägt. Sorry.
Leider kann ich keine Werbung mehr für die Party machen. Da ich weder die Idee hatte, noch in der Orga stecke und es einfach gut klang, dass da eine Gruppe noch eine Soliparty machen will, die die Buchproduktion im vorgesehenen Zeitfenster unterstützen würde, war ich positiv gestimmt dem gegenüber. Doch die Veranataltung ist absolut NICHT barrierefrei. Wie soll das in meinem Sinne sein? -.-
Berlinis und die von Euch, die dann inner Stadt sind: Am 20. Januar veranstalten las zorras feministas im K9 in der Kinzigstr. 9 "Queere books and beats" zugunsten des Buches "I'm a cyborg that's okay" von Mika Murstein! :)
Ab 20h ist Einlass! Weitersagen!
und sie ist das Buch, um das es geht:
@SpacePrincessSH same
They come running to tell you not to call yourself "disabled" because that is disrepectful. And they don't even see their hurtful, disgusting ignorance by doing that.
Just ... please educate yourself and don't follow their disgusting lead in how to disrespect your own child and other people in general.
You could start here http://www.autistichoya.com/p/ableist-words-and-terms-to-avoid.html
As usual... if someone specifically requests words like that for themselves you do that. It's their choice.
But most disabled people prefer identity-first language like "disabled person". No euphemisms.
There are some who prefer person-first language like "person with a disabilty", although it's mostly parents who prefer that.
Just make sure you at least talk about disabled people how they want to be talked about.
Better: talk to us and let us do the talking about us.
@pinkshrimps 😢
Hey friends, I lost the job that pays my rent and bills on Friday. I have no safety net and I am looking for something new asap!
Things I am good at include social media management and marketing, writing copy, event production, data management, and junior project management. Let me know if you're aware of anything I'd be a good fit for 💕
If you're able to help me with money stuff:
Queerfeminist cyborg in search of a safe space for exchange+learning // Explores films, books+language. Capitalism is no friend of mine. #Enby Pron.: mer