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*rolls around pawing at cuties* mewning awoos

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The need for someone's embrace is overpowering when you can't be with that person. You long and want but the time seems longer and longer till the time comes that your arms will embrace there warm body.

Continents away but moments apart. How you dwell these issues but long for them to be here. There needs and wants match yours till there is nothing but thoughts of the future.

Time goes on and stretches out to an unimagined state. Distance is cruel but not your love.

*lets out a tsundere thousand squeeing kittens glare*

we visualize mastadon in a similar manner that we visualize a median plural system

Reminder that content from the occult library has been migrated gradually to which will be serving as the primary project space (leaving here for other fun things- tho at times ofc magicky)

Silver nitrous girls pointed into occult winds of porn and destiny.

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Need a new pen. Getting it replaced. Dont have the tablet on us. So we had to use paint. Halp

For an assignment: What types of fiction do you like to read? What are some of your favorite titles in particular? Do you choose a specific genre typically, and what kinds of things do you like about the fiction you read?

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Vibrant greens are swirling around us as we twirl and roll down the grassy hill.

Once upon the bottom we gaze up in serenity at the sky, the overwhelming blues and whites gazing down upon us.

Nature caresses and nurtures the life around it. The most breathtaking sights and creatures to delicate to understand or comprehend fully.

Then there is us humans, dull grey building blocks of society, what we have once abandoned creates a long lust for once was.

Investigation of Consensually
Nonmonogamous Relationships:
Theories, Methods, and New Directions

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You can shift your appearance at will, you decide to find a protagonist / chosen one and mess with them.
#writingprompts #writing

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