Happy, helpful reminder that "plural" is like "transgender" and encompasses a whole umbrella's worth of stuff!
Literal actual distinct entities in your head? Plural!
Aspects of your personality that you anthropomorphize? Plural!
The "angel" and "devil" on your shoulders? Plural!
But most importantly: "Plural" is a label you can choose to identify with. It's not a set of rules
“A survivalist?!? Holy shit! I’d be useless in an apocalypse!” Says the millennial whose entire pantry is homemade pickles
A tattooed enby lifts their welding mask, “I just wish I was better at adulting, you know?” They continue welding the frame on their homebrew electric truck
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Two page newspaper ad saying:
Blue lives don't exist.
Stop drawing equivalence between racial identity and a job.
Your career is a choice.
Being black isn't.
Southern Mass's local machine healer and part time witchdoctor.
Tiny motorcycles, magic potions, machine tools, progressive rock, trance states, and hand sharpened drill bits. Oh, and I read Tarot. Probably 18+ just to be sure.