The pupil studied the array of weapons on the walls of the training hall.
"Master, which is the best sword?"
"That depends on what weapons and armour your opponent has, and the environment."
"But surely one makes you happiest?"
"Oh, yes!" The master smiled. "A sheathed one."
#MicroFiction #TootFic #SmallStories
@Motodrachen I am 100% behind this as someone into historical clothing, and as a (hopeful) future fashion designer, and as an enby. Skirts for everyone.
USPOL, Bloomberg
Fuck this guy with a Rake, if you weren't aware.
USPOL, Accidental progress, Utah
I feel like this is one of those "Good News/Bad News" sorta things for Polayamorous people
Political, Chernobyl
I'm watching Chernobyl, the HBO series, and somewhat disturbed at how it seems the entire Soviet system was run by Paranoid, Insecure Sociopaths and Narcissists.
And then wondering to myself why we don't have Tests for those sorts of people, so they never end up in control of things like Nuclear Energy.
"I don't understand, this sword is completely jagged... how does that make it *more* powerful instead of broken? How is that realistic?"
"This is a fantasy universe, not a representation of reality. I am a dragon, but you don't don't complain that I don't exist. 'Realism' is mostly a synonym for 'I don't like that people who don't look like me started showing up around here recently.'"
"Okay, true, but that lady's armor still doesn't make any sense."
"No... no it doesn't."
these were real advertisements that a company really wrote and really published to really persuade people and there's the serious societal issues that you can discuss here but also
MH +
Sometimes therapy is like taking your car in for an oil change.
Sometimes it's like doing a full engine rebuild with a Friend who knows enough about the History of the Damage to help.
That second one takes a Week, of all day work. spent her Valentines day helping me understand how traumatized I was, and that it's Not normal.
So, that was another five hours of talking about my past trauma.
Funny, seems like a lot more there than I remember. Or maybe my idea of Abuse has just gotten more comprehensive as time has gone by.
That being said, I finally feel like I can create music and art without feeling massive paranoia and insecurity.
Southern Mass's local machine healer and part time witchdoctor.
Tiny motorcycles, magic potions, machine tools, progressive rock, trance states, and hand sharpened drill bits. Oh, and I read Tarot. Probably 18+ just to be sure.