After death, an angel gave her a paper.
"Write your sins."
She wrote small, and filled it.
The angel held a book. "We wrote your kindness."
#MicroFiction #mastoart more little things i've drawn recently. Beverly, Tsavi, Than, and Netoh
Finished! Argh! About 25 hours of work all in. A3 size, black and white ink, Prismacolor pencils. I'm selling the original for $175 including worldwide postage (message me if you want it), but would anyone be interested in signed prints for say $30 inc. postage? #mastoart #creativetoots
uspol, Roy Moore
Wherein state and national parties come to a head, and Alabama GOP shows true colours as having 1800's morals (including "it's okay to fuck kids, just sweep it under the rug")
Birdsite still has Nazis on the front page
Once again, Erika Steinbach would prefer to not be called a Nazi. However, she is a member of a group that "seeks restitution of German properties in Poland" and there are only so many words for those people.
Also, this tweet states that Germany is "throwing away its heritage" because black people are allowed on Christmas markets. This is the sort of content that Twitter wants to expose to as many people as possible.
#meta #tea: Remember, from The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, that machine that "invariably delivered a cupful of liquid that was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea"?
Only decades after reading that, in an office in another country, did I first meet an older British "tea" machine. It could, in theory, produce chocolate, coffee, or tea; but invariably delivered a cupful of brown liquid that was almost, but not quite, entirely unlike any of them.
And I said, "Oh THAT'S what he meant."
Thorn is whitetail deer prince of the forest. Kinda one dimensional but a cutie.
Computer Fairies moderation
We have updated our about/more page with more information regarding the way we handle things around here. To our users, there have been no changes in the rules, they're just explained more explicitly now.
You can view our updated info here:
Mastodon trivia:
- "toot" invented by @Hbomberguy
- the boop notification sound composed by @jk
- all the elephants drawn by @dopatwo
- except one which was drawn by @cutewitchirl
I create line art for colouring, digital mandalas, photography, writing, crochet and jewelry. Places you can find/support me:
If you just have one account on one instance, you may not realize that Mastodon federation -- the means by which toots are sent from instance to instance -- is not instantaneous.
It may be seconds or minutes for a toot to traverse even directly connected instances. This depends on server load and how many messages are in the queue.
Toot lag. It's a thing.
The more you know! 💫
touch fluffy tail.
header is from
Avatar is a picrew thing I have forgotten/lost argh dangit.
Backup/Alt account for @Nine for when things occasionally break, or if I need a venty place, or if I'm being uncharacteristically "lewd", which is... extremely rare in and of itself, lol.
Rarely used, but still active in some respect!