
Painted this man. He is gay and trans.

Shiny new IC-705's first time on HF
QRP 5 watts via a magnetic loop.
Not bad!

furry art 


grs (+), selfie 

I did the grs thing!

Got the single tile editing part of my gameboy map editor working. I'll probably make a nice webassembly frontend for this later. But for now, this'll do.



Airsoft, fake gun 

Pew pews upgraded!

Non-angry caps 

Oh no I didn't ask western digitial for permission to use this!

Drugs (+) 

Finally, pocket gets me.

I can't bring myself to empty the trash and harm the poor gopher. :(

I need to move my antenna as the radiation angle is pretty extreme. :P

spider (+) 


I am officially very happy with my new radio. My old one could barely hear itself.

I was denied my fortune by sports!!!

re: Birdsite 

This can't happen on twitter.

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