Streaming N++ X levels
Good morning folks! Starting the X levels in N++ today. We'll see how progress goes. Wish me luck and fingers that aren't blistered!
Recommending instance blocks
@Satsuma S'all good. :)
Recommending instance blocks
@Satsuma It could have been, but I wanted to try to separate my commentary from earlier discussions.
Recommending instance blocks Hey, just giving some reasoning here.
When admins (or moderators/mediators) exhibit problematic behaviors, it goes to reason that they would support those same problematic behaviors by people on their instance. So while there may be people on the admin's site who do not share their admin's views, it means the people who federate with that admin's instance are putting their federation at a higher risk for those behaviors.
Does that make sense?
@maloki ?
Streaming BattleTech
Hey folks! Gonna be streaming some more BattleTech today. Hope you can join me!
Streaming La Mulana 2
It's time to start La Mulana 2 and I'm SO EXCITED!
Interviewing, parent stuff
@Maiasma I cannot say I was expecting support. :- b
Interviewing, parent stuff
@Maiasma That is my guess.
Streaming West of Loathing
Good morning folks! Going live this morning with West of Loathing. I look forward to jokes about 10 gallon-ass hats. Hope to see you there!
Cookie Brigade organizer, game mechanic developer, PAX South Omeganaut 18/19.
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