Good morning folks! Since I'm not supposed to use my voice, we're playing some Grand Chase Mobile this morning, and I'll be active in chat. Hope to see you there!
Time to find our way through hell in La Mulana 2! What could go wrong?
Time to reach the summit of Celeste Mountain. Just me and Badeline. And grab those precious strawbs along the way.
No voice yet, but I'm feeling well enough to stream again! Please join me for some BattleTech at
Streaming Celeste today with no voice, Bronchitis has shredded my throat.
Beginning the descent into hell in La Mulana 2. Because shit wasn't rough enough already. Then voting! Anyways, come join me before then!
Hey folks! I'm back from my vacation, and ready to continue climbing up the mountain in Celeste! Hope you can join me at
@damnyouwillis What you don't know is that Chewbacca is continuously dropping F-bombs throughout the entire movie.
Furry adjacent discussion
I was having a conversation on a stream with someone yesterday, and the topic of furries came up, there was a question about how people who visualized themselves as creatures without fur would call themselves, and I didn't know the answer. Like, if people saw themselves as ants, would it still be a furry? Maybe some other name for that? I don't know what that would be called or if it even is a thing. Anyone out there able to help with the info?
Good morning folks! Going live with more of BattleTech today! Hope you can join me at
Looking for more Guardians in La Mulana 2, hopefully we can find them!
Gotta say. It's kinda nice seeing a headline like this on Kotaku:
Cookie Brigade organizer, game mechanic developer, PAX South Omeganaut 18/19.
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