About Crapshots
>What's a crapshot?
A sort of short-form comedy sketch produced by Victoria-based Comedy Troupe LoadingReadyRun
>Yeah but... Krogslist?
A sort of recurring Crapshot starring @Graham_LRR as Krog, a unusually forward-thinking caveman whose ideas are perhaps a few eons ahead of their time.
Also featuring @beej as Torg, @Kathleen_LRR as Merg, and Alex Steacy (not on Mastodon) as Hurk.
Here's an example - Crapshot Ep.460 - The Transport
Filming a #Mastodon joke on this week's Krogslist Crapshot
Mastodon Mobile Clients
@Rewhan Additional Pro: Subway Tooter allows you to close CWs after you've read them. Twidere doesn't.
But then Twidere was originally built for Twitter, so I can't really hold TOO much against it.
Mastodon Mobile Clients
Trying out Subway Tooter as an alternative to Twidere.
Pros: seems to handle cross-instance boosting better than Twidere does. Twidere 404's if you try to search outside your own instance, I've found.
Cons: It's... Powerfully ugly. No offense meant to the UI developer but the edgeless slate grey tiles are not appealing to me in the slightest.
@Rewhan This was largely meant as a joke, but thinking on it, if major Twitter personalities start jumping ship, more people will follow.
Actually no, Boujee back on birdsite put the thought back in my head, I think. Talking about a Spider-Man symbiote OC he did ages ago and my brain immediately gravitated towards the notion his junk would be rubbing all up inside the symbiote like, constantly.
Anyway it's stupid hot, there's wildfire smog in the air and I feel sweaty and gross.
@tahajin convert me to goo so I can spread out my surface area and cool off ~.~;;;
Amateur Writer. Alchemy Enthusiast. Pretend Ferret, 18+ Content will be CW'd