This Wednesday? I got another Roadytrip ahead as I prepare to book it for my first con since 2016! #BLFC here I come!
Having just shipped my first commission, getting this film production company off the ground is becoming quite a journey!
I'm always looking for remote freelance work doing video editing, VFX, and motion graphics. I can do cinematography as well, but that's exclusive to Oregon and Washington.
I'll include a link to my vimeo and fursuit content below. Within the next two weeks I'm looking to publish an official website!
Cheers, everyone!
Seeking Web Designer
As an independent filmmaker who just started his own production company? Building a solid clientele is top priority.
But in order to market myself? I still need to build an official website showcasing my rates and my portfolio.
So I'm putting out feelers for any web designers for hire. I purchased the domain name, and all I need now is help with building the site and finding a solid host for it.
Please, thank you, and I hope you all have a wonderful day!
"I differentiate sternly between Chaos and Entropy. Only highly ordered and structured systems can display complex creative and unpredictable behaviour, and then only if they have the capacity to act with a degree of freedom and randomness. Systems which lack structure and organisation usually fail to produce anything much, they just tend to drift down the entropy gradient. This applies both to people and to organisations."
-Peter Carroll
Late 2019-Present
Living situation:
Intentional Community --> Slumlord Apartment --> 2-bedroom home
Job situation: Canvasser-->*PANDEMIC*-->Pond Plant Delivery Driver --> Grocery Distribution --> Freelance Filmmaker
That's just scratching the surface.
Since the last time I was active? Everything fell apart...Several times...
Relationship fell apart, first job in Eugene fell apart, after the lockdown started my living situation turned into a nightmare and I had to get a place of my own. I spent the rest of 2020 as an apocalyptic delivery driver putting up with the bullshit of antimaskers and antivaxxers alike...Fell in and out of another relationship...
Somehow I stumbled my way into owning a home and getting a business off the ground.
Hello? HELLOOOO??? Anybody here?
Holy crap...I almost forgot that this existed. Haven't posted anything in two years. How many people are still on this instance anyway?
Anyways, hi! I'm back after seeking some much needed stability!
Still around Eugene, OR. Though I live across the river in a quaint two-bedroom home. I'll share more details later.
Anyways, I'M BAAAACK!