@irisjaycomics Hope you have fun there!!
Kink, dark macrophilia, discussion
@eifie oh yeah, that would make things much more difficult.
Kink, dark macrophilia, discussion
@eifie I use fantasy and online RP to practice stuff that I can't practice IRL haha. I'm used to it, my big (heh) thing was macro/micro and as far as I know, there's no way to shrink down to bug-size or grow someone to kaiju-size. But I'd fall in love with a kaiju over most people.
Kink, dark aquaphilia
@eifie In some ways those two can connect too. I've explored some very dark concepts through kink that I don't think I could have handled without the kink aspect. It's actually helped me with some things.
Kink, dark aquaphilia
@eifie It is! Pretty much any aspect of human experience and imagination can become a kink, and some of us develop them from an early age.
Kink, dark aquaphilia
My sparring lover has an aquaphilia and drowning fetish and that quote looks entirely different to hir, haha.
@Shotagonist@mastodon.social Well, it's not like I'm saying it's a bad game, I absolutely adore it and I have no intention of putting it up or anything, but I do feel like it's making suggestions about my own personal spirituality that make me kinda uncomfy, and I'm sure you can understand why I'd feel that way, given I have a very spiritual worldview myself.
If living were as pleasant as possible for everyone, the maximum possible good in this existence can be achieved. That's their mindset. But again, they are not fanatical about it. It's just a tendency.
The best performances : Shadow art : Dance performance group
@thefishcrow This isn't my character, but this is so me. https://78.media.tumblr.com/a115f28cbfa9505565564b178c2b5c87/tumblr_ojoxguFH6F1tqos1fo1_400.png
@thefishcrow This isn't my character, but this is so me. https://78.media.tumblr.com/a115f28cbfa9505565564b178c2b5c87/tumblr_ojoxguFH6F1tqos1fo1_400.png
Nettle -- a punk rock sheep. Ulfra - big wolf mama tf witch. Vedia -- Witch girl with magic sword. Wolf & sheep kin. Hazel and Willow are my sisters. Refugee from witches.town. An open book -- talk to me and I'll try to talk back as much as I can!